Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Hunter News of the Week - 06.18.

Hunter (Forums / Skills / WoD Talent Calculator) tweets of the week

Kinda noticed the new RFK Blind Hunter Bat Model. Will Hunters be able to tame it? x:
Yes! (Muffinus)

Do Aimed Shot MultiStrikes benefit from Careful Aim? Is this behavior consistent with similar circumstances
Yes. Yes. (Celestalon)
Any other ideas in mind to replace it? Survival's theme can create lot of traps, explosives, and poison ideas.
No, we don't think they need any more complication. Rather have one fewer button. (Celestalon)
Thanks. Any thoughts on the BM using AS bit then? Largely my biggest remaining concern with Hunter spec flavor.
We don't think a change is worth the confusion, currently. (Celestalon)

Combined Revive Pet and Mend Pet

We actually had a similar idea: merging Revive Pet and Mend Pet. If your pet is alive and active, you'll cast Mend. If they're dead, you'll cast Revive instead. I don't believe that made it into the current Alpha build.

EDIT: Actually, looks like it did, but in an incomplete state. Next build should clean it up a bit.
(Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Secondary Stat Attunements

A new concept that we’re introducing is each specialization having an attunement to a particular secondary stat. These take the form of a passive ability that grants a 5% increase to the amount of a specific secondary stat gained. This provides a good starting point for where to focus your secondary stats. Usually, it will be your highest throughput stat (not counting Spirit for Healers, and Bonus Armor for Tanks, which is an optimal secondary stat in most cases). There are exceptions, and raw throughput may not even be the biggest concern in some situations. Treat this as a guideline, not a rule, about which secondary stat to favor.

Beast Mastery: Mastery
Marksmanship: Critical Strike
Survival: Multistrike

Ability Pruning

We attempt to prune abilities with the intent to reduce the amount of keybind/macro bloat and merging abilities that served a similar purpose but are otherwise redundant together.

Aspect of the Cheetah and Aspect of the Pack now share a 10-second cooldown.
Chimera Shot no longer heals the Hunter.
Concussive Barrage has been removed.
Frenzy has been removed.
Focus Fire now naturally grants the Hunter's pet the ability to gain Frenzy.
Go for the Throat has been removed.
Invigoration now also grants 15 Focus to the Hunter's pet from auto-shot Critical Strikes.
Master Marksman has been removed.
Piercing Shots has been removed. TBD: Another change will be made to ensure that Critical Strike is more valuable to Marksmanship Hunters.
Scare Beast has been removed.
Steady Focus has been removed.
Serpent Sting, Improved Serpent Sting, and Viper Venom have been removed.
Serpent Spread has been renamed Serpent Sting, and remains as passive ability for Survival Hunters. It causes Multi-Shot and Arcane Shot to also apply the Serpent Sting poison, which does instant and periodic damage. Each time it deals damage, the Hunter receives 3 Focus, with a 3 second cooldown.
The Beast Within has been removed. (Whaaaaaaa'?!)
Bestial Wrath now naturally includes the effects of The Beast Within. (Phew...)


Another area of gameplay that we polished is how characters are able to sustain their own health, primarily when frequently killing enemies, such as in solo questing.

Kill Shot now heals the Hunter for 15% of maximum health if it kills the target.
Survivalist is a new passive ability learned by Survival Hunters at level 10:
Survivalist: After killing a target, the Hunter gains 15% health over 10 seconds.

Class Changes

Burst Damage Cooldowns
Each specialization received a revision to the burst-damage-cooldowns that they have access to.
Beast Mastery Hunters retain Bestial Wrath. Rapid Fire is a good fit for Marksmanship, and we improved it. Survival opts to focus on sustained damage without burst cooldowns. However, if the situation calls for a burst-damage-cooldown, there are a few available via talents.
Careful Aim now also provides its effect against all targets when Rapid Fire is active, and increases critical strike chance by 60% (down from 75%).

Hunter Pet Abilities

Increased Multistrike buff (instead of Magic Damage Taken debuff): Basilisk, (no Bat though), Chimaera, Core Hound, Dragonhawk, Fox, Rhino, Wind Serpent
Increased versatility buff (instead of Physical Damage Taken debuff): Bird of Prey, Boar, Porcupine, Ravager, Rhino, Worm
An ability that increases dodge chance of the pet by 30% for 10 seconds: Bat, Fox, Monkey

The following changes were withdrawn

All specializations now have one burst-damage-cooldown available baseline, and can add to that through talent choices.
"We wanted to both increase the prominence of their traps, and give them a new damage cooldown. So, a new trap called Bear Trap has been created to fit that role." Note that Bear Trap's base cooldown can be reduced by other passive abilities and perks, such that it has roughly a 2 minute-cooldown afterwards.
Bear Trap is a new ability for Survival Hunters.
Bear Trap places a trap with duration of 1 minute that immobilizes the first enemy that triggers it for 8 seconds and deals heavy bleed damage over 20 seconds. Damage from other sources may break the immobilization effect. The ability has a 4 minute cooldown.

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